The Word/On The Street


Brand Films // Nasdaq OMX

NASDAQ started their venture into the financial world by re-thinking how things were done and founding the first electronic stock market. Yet almost 50 years later, internally at least, the NASDAQ and NASDAQ OMX culture had lost a bit of its energy. The NYSE had caught up with the tech stock race, so It was hard for employees to rally around a brand that no longer had “the edge”. They needed something to remind their employees of what NASDAQ OMX stood for, what their brand was out to reclaim, and mostly, to promote an internal culture of pride throughout all their global offices.


Our solution was to create a brand film - a fresh, new anthem, with a new mantra for NASDAQ OMX. Declare to their employees and to the world what NASDAQ OMX did and what they stood for. Something that would not only speak to current employees, but could also tell future employees just what they were signing up for.